
No. I didn't not swear a lot today. Well, maybe an occasional shit or damn and those were accidental. Anyway, today's paper was Literature. Quite interesting, I must say, for the unseen poem. It really hit me and it made me reflect. Have we really grown up?
Maybe... Maybe not... Physically maybe. But really. Have we really grown up? When we were younger, we used to be so happy and carefree, child-like innocents. But now, our lives are filled with worries and fear, thanks to work and school. Have we grown up or have we became younger. At times when we look back into our childhood memories, we really wish we could go back. So... Have we really grown up?

Anyway, all I know is that I love God and in his heart, I will forever and ever be that little boy in his heart no matter how old I am. I can never grow out of it. The song the more I seek you is perfect for this. Go to my ITouch and play the second song. It has a video. I know that whenever I feel tired and stressed, I look for my Daddy and not my childhood. I would just rest and melt in his presence and feel so at peace.

Oh! And my royal decree for tomorrow is to keep up today's decree and honour God in whatever I do.

Prince Jovia


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