A Fresh Beginning

Today I woke up at 9.45. It seems like ages since I woke up this early on a weekend.
Anyway, I went out with my godparents and my mum to branch at IMM. At first, I wanted like this pork patty with eggs then they came and told me, "Sorry sir. But we have seem to run out of pork patty. Could you order again?" Feeling a little dissapointed and flabbergasted that they ran out of pork patties sooooo early in the morning. So I ordered beef patty with eggs.
After branch we walked around IMM then after that, we went our separate ways. As in the ladies went to shop for clothings while Joline Jie and I went to walk for gadgets. I have been eyeing the earpiece with mic and volume control for very long so we went to the apple shop. I was like getting ready to buy it when I saw the price tag...SGD128! I rather get a sennheiser. I hope they come with volume control. Yeah. So I went to buy a drink after that. Strawberry and Soursop. It rather nice and it has like a kinda sweet yet sour taste. Not really a combo mix like banana and mango but drinkable.
Yeah. So we went home and I like was slacking the whole day. But I did read the red sky in the morning! LOL!
I don't know why this post title is A Fresh Beginning but tomorrow is a new week! Monday! YAY! I was watching Bizzare Food With Andrew Zimmen. I really like his show. Today he was at Iceland and he ate rotten shark! Cool! Due to the high urinal acid in the shark, it cannot be consumed fresh. So they had to like keep it out in the air, let it rot and flies fly around it. MUAHAHA!
LOL! I shall now pronounce my Royal Decree for tomorrow. I must make everyone happy, don't say fowl words, be nice and honour God! Amen!

Prince Jovia


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